Security tools should protect those things they are there for. Much too often they don't. Another example is Protector for Alexander Kosenkov
It's recovery system is prone to a simple keygen attack (and thats not the only security flaw!). The needed key to unlock the app can be easily generated with the attached tool. The source code is attached too! See here for the interesting part Java | /** * Super secret recovery - Unl0cker - efNYtsCF -
Obfuscation is never real security!
It's recovery system is prone to a simple keygen attack (and thats not the only security flaw!). The needed key to unlock the app can be easily generated with the attached tool. The source code is attached too! See here for the interesting part Java | /** * Super secret recovery - Unl0cker - efNYtsCF -
Obfuscation is never real security!