Does anyone know if there is a way to have the titles of the blu ray DVD movies you may have transfer to Evo 4g to show up in a list format?
I made a folder on the sd card called "Movies" and have all the movie files in there titled ... when I go to the gallery, I have the Movies folder which contains all my movies, but there is no easy way to view the title. Like a nice list of movies (similar to how they do it for music files in the music player).
Anyone know how this can be done? Thanks.
PS: Which Blu ray ripping software support forced subtitle? I have AVATAR BD.
I made a folder on the sd card called "Movies" and have all the movie files in there titled ... when I go to the gallery, I have the Movies folder which contains all my movies, but there is no easy way to view the title. Like a nice list of movies (similar to how they do it for music files in the music player).
Anyone know how this can be done? Thanks.
PS: Which Blu ray ripping software support forced subtitle? I have AVATAR BD.