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Apple has been slapped a good one

"Apple would like to inform its customers that Samsung's Galaxy Tab, as per the judge who presided the case, isn't cool enough to be an iPad copy, which is really sad if you ask us." 😜
Did they actually say that? Still with the childish "ner ner na ner ner!" attitude, I see. If they actually did business like adults then people would have more respect for them.

I don't have a samsung phone atm, but my experience of them has been of exceptional build quality. Less could be said for apple. Might explain their 'clutching at straws' desperation. It is sad because apple products are cool, lot's of people buy them, but maybe the way they do business turns people off?
That was just a joke. As you can see, hate can go both ways. I'm not a fan of Samsung. In mobile phones, apart from Apple, I prefer Nokia's design & build quality. When it comes to TVs, I prefer Sony.

Those who hate Apple are getting more pissed because even after hating so much, Apple's still growing as a money-making machine. They also hate the fact that Apple's trying to protect its IP, & are delusional as to how smartphones looked & functioned before the iPhone came out. Apart from these, they are also appalled with the "walled garden" approach.

Android's a good OS, but these people need to give credit where credit's due. They are no different from "iSheeps". If they refuse to buy Apple's products, so be it, but don't hate the former for protecting its interest.
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