First off I am not creating this as a which one is better thread. Just wanted to rant a little and share some thoughts that I have had for awhile.
I follow Tom from myspace on Google+. Today i noticed that Steve Jobs posted on one of the links Tom shared.
I then decided to take a look at his profile. It was then clear to me where people that use apple products get their arrogance.
Here are the pieces from the "a little bit about him", "the introduction", and "occupation" section on google+.
"Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower."
"If I have to introduce myself then you have been in a cave and are unworthy of my attention."
"Design, develop and market the most commercially successful tech products on the planet."
Starting with the first one. Innovation? Steve jobs did not innovate anything. the smartphone and compact media player were around long before the ipod and iphone. Also i think it is funny he dubs himself a leader at this stage in the game. Apple is fighting to catch up to everything android, as well as google in general. They are also essentially trying to put android out of business by trying to buy up all these patents. They have lost they noticeably large market share in the mobile industry. Services like amazon's cloud music storage and google music are perched to be great competitors for itunes, and the company hasn't had any significant releases of technology since the original iphone. If you consider that a game changer.
The second post goes without saying. Gee Mr. Jobs, i didn't realize you were so god-like that you do not recognize people that have not heard of you, or refuse to "acknowledge your greatness".
As for the third. The most commercially successful tech products on the planet huh? I understand apple's success is do to sheep that Mr. Jobs has the un-devoted loyalty of, but lets face it. The company now has competition to deal with. While no single android phone will probably ever outsell the iphone, apple definitely doesn't win the battle for the computing industry at all. Far more PCs are sold than macs, and android as a whole has caught up to the empire that is the iphone in what? About a year and a half?
Like i said it became clear of the mentality of people we are dealing with when the head of the company thinks truly he rules the world. I know not everyone that uses apple products is this mindless and misinformed but you really can't argue that the majority of them have no clue of the other options out there and really don't care because it does not have the apple name attached to it.
A funny video for people who have made it this far:
‪iPhone4 vs HTC Evo‬‏ - YouTube
Back on track to the irony. Steve Jobs is using a social networking service designed and run by the very company he is trying so hard to bring down. Just thought it was silly.
Cheers to those who read all the way through. I would love to hear your thoughts/comments on this.