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Application for Reminders


Dec 17, 2011
I'm so used to hearing my phone beep every so often when I have a text I don't read right away, or a missed call. Does anyone know of a good application for notification reminders? (texts, e-mails, missed calls/vm). I tried the "missed call" app, but it didn't seem to work.
Your phone should have this capability by just setting up the notifications for text, missed calls, etc. If your phone has a notification light, you will know something came in. Unlock your phone, pull down the notification bar and you should see what it was from there. I use an app call "Executive Assistant Free". I use it as my lock screen. I can see missed calls, voice mail, e-mails, text messages, facebook and next calendar events. I can place widgets and short cuts in it too. The beauty of this is, I can view all notifications, without having to unlock my phone. I only have to unlock my phone if I want to reply or open an e-mail.
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