I need to be able to share a collection of a custom class between activities. I've seen many suggest extending the Application class and storing the variables in there. Unfortunately my application is blowing up on start up when I attempt this. My question is twofold, 1) Is there another way to do this, 2) Am I doing something wrong? I am using monodroid to develop this. This is the class extending the Application class. It does nothing right now because I trimmed it down to try and eliminate possible causes.
Here is my Manifest.xml
That's all it takes to blow things up. Supposedly this should create an instance of my extended class on application start up that I can access from any activity.
public class MyApplication : Application
Here is my Manifest.xml
<manifest xmlns:android="" android:installLocation="internalOnly" package="" android:versionCode="1" android:versionName="1.0">
<application android:name=".MyApplication" android:label="MonoDroidTestApp">
<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="8" />
That's all it takes to blow things up. Supposedly this should create an instance of my extended class on application start up that I can access from any activity.