My company FindMyTech/FindMyi/FindMyDroid has been making iPhone Applications and Android Applications since the Summer of 2009. My life is too busy to keep up on these applications, and one of them needs some work done.
I'd like a resume and simple online interview.
We have a few goals, here is the pay for each of them. We need someone who can accomplish it all. We'll give details on our project in the interview.
1) Update our API to work with our new push/rest service. It needs to be well integrated and work flawlessly. We have 4 push api functions that can currently be used, the rest will remain http get, used as needed. There isn't too much to do, but it will take either dev experience or troubleshooting to keep the application listening to pushes. $150
2) Update / recreate our layouts to work with all devices. It was made for one screen size only, and isn't resizing well. Currectly, it can be scaled (ugly) or is all put in the top left corner of large screens. It must work for all phones and tablets with an OS of 1.5+. Most of the app is a daemon, but we do have 8 layout files. All you really need to do is have the application centered in the screen with a big black margin, but it must look nice. On large screens it may need to be resized if they have a good resolution. We can discuss and provide details later. ($70)
3) Externalize strings so that they can be translated. All strings in layouts and popup messages are in english only. If they're put into the correct en-us strings file, I'll be able to translate my application. ($30)
4) Make it reliable. This app worked on the 1.5&1.6 os flawlessly. Suddenly, on 2.x phones, the app often crashes upon bootup. I think it happens because it tries to connect to the internet before the phone has internet, but I'm not sure. You'll need to have a REAL 2.x android phone. This updated app won't need to work on older phones. Those won't get these new features. Price for this depends on work necessary. This app has a daemon that runs on bootup, and gets location info. To do that, on the 1.5 OS, it took a lot of workarounds and static wakelock work. In 2.0+ that may not be necessary, so you may end up stripping down all my workarounds to make this app reliable once again. $40-$100
We'd love to hear from any experienced developers, a small informal resume would be appreciated before the online interview. You'll get a lot more details down the road.
I'd like a resume and simple online interview.
We have a few goals, here is the pay for each of them. We need someone who can accomplish it all. We'll give details on our project in the interview.
1) Update our API to work with our new push/rest service. It needs to be well integrated and work flawlessly. We have 4 push api functions that can currently be used, the rest will remain http get, used as needed. There isn't too much to do, but it will take either dev experience or troubleshooting to keep the application listening to pushes. $150
2) Update / recreate our layouts to work with all devices. It was made for one screen size only, and isn't resizing well. Currectly, it can be scaled (ugly) or is all put in the top left corner of large screens. It must work for all phones and tablets with an OS of 1.5+. Most of the app is a daemon, but we do have 8 layout files. All you really need to do is have the application centered in the screen with a big black margin, but it must look nice. On large screens it may need to be resized if they have a good resolution. We can discuss and provide details later. ($70)
3) Externalize strings so that they can be translated. All strings in layouts and popup messages are in english only. If they're put into the correct en-us strings file, I'll be able to translate my application. ($30)
4) Make it reliable. This app worked on the 1.5&1.6 os flawlessly. Suddenly, on 2.x phones, the app often crashes upon bootup. I think it happens because it tries to connect to the internet before the phone has internet, but I'm not sure. You'll need to have a REAL 2.x android phone. This updated app won't need to work on older phones. Those won't get these new features. Price for this depends on work necessary. This app has a daemon that runs on bootup, and gets location info. To do that, on the 1.5 OS, it took a lot of workarounds and static wakelock work. In 2.0+ that may not be necessary, so you may end up stripping down all my workarounds to make this app reliable once again. $40-$100
We'd love to hear from any experienced developers, a small informal resume would be appreciated before the online interview. You'll get a lot more details down the road.