Android Expert
Wondering if anyone knows how I would go about backing up everything apt has downloaded?
I installed debian the other day and noticed that network manager wasn't installed. And being as I don't have real internet, only my phone... And damn, I can't seem to get anything to connect (shop or statically)... So i'm thinking that I'll be giving debian some more space, and a reinstall is in order. Anyone know how I could backup network manager and the dependencies to a flash drive. Last time I got everything by chrooting into debian from Ubuntu.
Thanks, and hope this makes sense.
I installed debian the other day and noticed that network manager wasn't installed. And being as I don't have real internet, only my phone... And damn, I can't seem to get anything to connect (shop or statically)... So i'm thinking that I'll be giving debian some more space, and a reinstall is in order. Anyone know how I could backup network manager and the dependencies to a flash drive. Last time I got everything by chrooting into debian from Ubuntu.
Thanks, and hope this makes sense.