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Root [AT&T] Need Some help-Stuck at CM10 splash boot screen


Android Enthusiast
Sep 27, 2011
Good Morning,

I rooted last night and flashed CM10. Everything was fine. Flashed the gapps and everything was fine. I than restored my titanium backup files and this is wher ethings got weird. Once I restored and rebooted I had all types of issues with appsnot opening and getting lots of android errors. So I tried going backwards and removing the restored apps. Well, that then sent the phone into a constant android error message where I could only hit "OK". It just kept popping up over and over. I couldn't even power it off. I pulled the battery and now it just has the turning blue circles with the CyanogenMod splash screen. All I can get to is the download android screen and not hte recovery screen. I need help bad as my phone is unusable.



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