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AT&T Note 2 Pre-Order Bonuses?


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2011
I'm wondering if anyone has any information about any pre-order bonuses you're aware of from any retailer? By bonuses, I mean that, sometimes, retailers will offer a free case or charger or something along those lines for pre-ordering through them. About a week ago Radio Shack had a promotion where you'd get a $25 Google Play card for buying any Andriod phone. As the Note 2 is a pretty damn expensive phone, I would hope that some retailers might offer a little something extra to entice people to pre-order/buy from them. I'd imagine that, starting tomorrow, some of these deals might pop up from third party retailers so let me know if you find anything of interest and share with the rest of us. Thanks.
I'm wondering if anyone has any information about any pre-order bonuses you're aware of from any retailer? By bonuses, I mean that, sometimes, retailers will offer a free case or charger or something along those lines for pre-ordering through them. About a week ago Radio Shack had a promotion where you'd get a $25 Google Play card for buying any Andriod phone. As the Note 2 is a pretty damn expensive phone, I would hope that some retailers might offer a little something extra to entice people to pre-order/buy from them. I'd imagine that, starting tomorrow, some of these deals might pop up from third party retailers so let me know if you find anything of interest and share with the rest of us. Thanks.
Yeah, totally interested in this too. let me know if you hear about anything. Been to Radio Shack and Best Buy the last two days and they said they have heard nothing yet. :/
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