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AT&T update removed custom text sound

I have a Motorola Moto Z2 Force - and AT&T pushed an update last night that seems to have broken the custom text notification sound option.

I have a different sound than the default notification sound selected for all texts.

Unfortunately, since this AT&T update the text plays the default notification sound, instead of the different custom sound that is still selected in
Messages | 3 Dots | Settings | Notifications | Sound

I am using Zedge to select the sound, and I have Android 8.0

Please help, thanks.
text plays the default notification sound, instead of the different custom sound that is still selected in
Messages | 3 Dots | Settings | Notifications | Sound
What happens if you step through that, choose a different sound, then come back and choose the one you want. Does that work?
I am using Zedge to select the sound
I have no experience with Zedge, but I'm wondering if simply re-downloading the ringtone from it will solve the problem. Maybe your copy got corrupted (or removed) somehow, so its name still shows as your text ringtone, but since it doesn't exist, the phone is falling back to one that's good.
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What happens if you step through that, choose a different sound, then come back and choose the one you want. Does that work?

I have no experience with Zedge, but I'm wondering if simply re-downloading the ringtone from it will solve the problem. Maybe your copy got corrupted (or removed) somehow, so its name still shows as your text ringtone, but since it doesn't exist, the phone is falling back to one that's good.

Hi, thanks for your response. I have tried your first suggestion.

The notification sound is intact because I can go into Zedge and play it. I changed the default sound to something else as well without issue.
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