Samsung Galaxy Note 2 - Verizon
The spelling suggestions esp with texting is HORRIBLE.
I can type a certain new word a number of times but it never shows up in the choices for correct spelling. Same for acronyms. My website or my name never show up as choices.
I'm totally frustrated with have to type so much. My old Motorola was great for this. holding down the word does give a pop-up or option to add to dictionary.
Also, how does one copy/paste from an email to a text?
Thanks. I love knowing there are smart people who have these answers.
The spelling suggestions esp with texting is HORRIBLE.
I can type a certain new word a number of times but it never shows up in the choices for correct spelling. Same for acronyms. My website or my name never show up as choices.
I'm totally frustrated with have to type so much. My old Motorola was great for this. holding down the word does give a pop-up or option to add to dictionary.
Also, how does one copy/paste from an email to a text?
Thanks. I love knowing there are smart people who have these answers.