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Automatic reload of apps after update and factory reset?


Android Enthusiast
Jul 25, 2010
Issaquah, WA
Ok, I side loaded the JB update and did a factory reset on my DRM. I have a Nexus 7 and when I did the same for the latest JB update, it automaticall started reloading all of the apps that were previously installed on the tablet. This did not happen with my DRM.

So my question, did anyone else have their apps automatically reload after a factory reset, or is just my phone? The reload on the N7 bogged it down for a while, but it sure made it easier on me not to have to sift through the list of apps and do the reloads manually...
What do you mean by "automatic" in this case?

I have done Factory Data Resets on the Droid X and Bionic. When I did all the apps I downloaded from Play Store were marked in Play Store as having updates available. I then installed them about 10-15 at a time.

The five apps I haver that didn't;t come from Play Store had to be done manually from backups.

I assume that if you had automatic update turned on it would probably just do it. I encountered one person who used that option. He reported that it was very erratic. I think it is a bad idea to not keep track of what is being loaded into your phone. He no longer uses it.

... Thom
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It seems to be based on how the Mfg setup their ROM. Sometimes you see 'update this device from Google servers' (or something like that) and sometimes you don't. If you DO see it, and you say 'yes', then it will automatically download all of your apps from the play store. The problem with this is that it downloads everything you ever downloaded, not just what was on your phone when you updated or did an FDR. Because of that I don't like to use that option since I've tried LOTS of apps over the years that I no longer use or want on my phone.

In this instance it's probably the difference between how the two Mfgs set up their ROMs.
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I ended up downloading my apps manually. Which was time counsuming, but helped me install apps that I had foregotten about...

I use an app called App Backup and Restore and I will archive all my apps onto my sd card. I will do that after I get any kind of os update and then do a factory reset and restore the apps that I had from sd card. It works like a charm everytime. The initial setup takes a while but its not bad.
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It seems to be based on how the Mfg setup their ROM. Sometimes you see 'update this device from Google servers' (or something like that) and sometimes you don't. If you DO see it, and you say 'yes', then it will automatically download all of your apps from the play store. The problem with this is that it downloads everything you ever downloaded, not just what was on your phone when you updated or did an FDR. Because of that I don't like to use that option since I've tried LOTS of apps over the years that I no longer use or want on my phone.

In this instance it's probably the difference between how the two Mfgs set up their ROMs.

Go into your Google play apps page and get rid of the ones you don't use. They won't be restored after that
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... and ... it also has the attribute that on a major release like GB to ICS or ICS to JB some apps are not compatible with the newer version.

- The recover-from-SD-card approach would install them under the new system.
- The recover-from-Play-Store approach will not.

This really is a golden opportunity to get rid of some of the junk you've been living with and ... try something new that you've been putting off.

... Thom
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I think I should clarify something. I had no special settings on my Nexus 7. I did not have "automatically update applications" toggled, or anything special set on the tablet. I did have the tablet rooted, but I did not have anything special running because of root. During the rooting process, I had to wipe the tablet (which I did several times going back and forth between root and unroot), but I did no backups or made any special changes to the tablet. Each time after the tablet wipe, I would run through set up and log back into my google account. After that, my tablet would proceed to download and install all of the applications (paid and unpaid) that I had before the last reset. Again I did nothing special other than allowing google to save my contacts, and existing configuration.

Now I've gone through the same exact process on the DRM and my apps have not reinstalled themselves. The only thing I can figure is that since the Nexus 7 is the true unaltered Google experience, then Google has it coded to restore applications upon the next tablet/phone setup. Maybe this will happen on future Motorola devices now that Google owns Motorola...
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Go into your Google play apps page and get rid of the ones you don't use. They won't be restored after that

True, I could get rid of many of mine that I will never use again. However I have multiple devices with different purposes. Therefore I have 'phone' apps and 'tablet A' apps and 'tablet B' apps. I don't really want Google to restore all of my apps to any one device. Typically I use Titanium Backup to restore the apps I want on any given device (user apps only, never system apps). Sometimes I use apps2zip, it kind of depends on my whim at the time. :)
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sftl97, I had a similar problem. I think I did one of two things: I backed all the way out of Beautiful Widgets and then went back in and applied the skin. Or I backed out and rebooted the phone. I had the same issue that you are having, but I can't remember for sure which of the two things worked. I mainly remember being very frustrated and then all of a sudden it worked. I hope you get it working soon...
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sftl97, I had a similar problem. I think I did one of two things: I backed all the way out of Beautiful Widgets and then went back in and applied the skin. Or I backed out and rebooted the phone. I had the same issue that you are having, but I can't remember for sure which of the two things worked. I mainly remember being very frustrated and then all of a sudden it worked. I hope you get it working soon...

I already passed frustrated point..but i'll keep trying.

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Ok, this is weird. I've been wrassling with my phone trying to restore root. I used Matt's Droid RAZR utility from droidzr.com to completely wipe and restore my phone. This includes the Jelly Bean OS and the data on the phone. So this means that when the dust settles and the restore is completed, then I have to walk through the basic owner setup on the phone. Well when I was done with that and I went into the Play store, it was restoring all 192 apps that I had on the phone. All I can figure is that even with doing FDR's after every update, some setting from a previous update was hanging around on the phone that was preventing this magical feature from happening. Now I'm not suggesting that you run out and wipe your phone (unless your having some really bad problems), but the option is there if you need to do so...
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I didn't want all of the Play Store apps back on my phone when I did a factory reset a couple months ago. Tech support told me to go to the play store without configuring Google first. Once I got in the play store I could log in. This kept Google from doing an automatic download of all my previous apps.
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I think that after the dust cleared, it had loaded a majority of my paid apps and of course all my Google apps (including the ones I don't like). I spent another hour sifting through my list of apps installing all of the free apps that I still wanted. It would be nice if Google would allow us to edit our lists and remove the devices that we no longer have, and the applications that we no longer need. But those are the stuff that dreams are made of... :D
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