Hello everyone, i'm newbie here, i created this account today and that my third post.
-What the problem?
I losted my old phone and my mom gave me my grand-mother phone (SM-G800F Samsung Galaxy S5 Mini). I don't know if this phone is old but after 2 or 3 years the phone battery got swollen i don't know why but i'm using it right now, the phone were crashing after unplug the phone under 60% after it changed to 80% and again to 90% and again yes now i have to stay with the phone charged, it mean if i unplug it, the phone gonna crash but if the screen is turned off the phone work as well so i can still put music and try to skip with 5 sec before it crash.
Now today i can't use it even if the screen is turned off i can't use it unpluged. And even if the phone is pluged it still crash after 20 min or if i used to many apps or if the phone is too used if you know what i mean. When i was writing this post i unpluged and pluged 7 time the phone to make sure it don't crash.
-What happen when it crash?
The phone start to play with the screen it mean if i press Enter on the keyboard the phone gonna write "haofjszguzk" it gonna presse everywhere and open everything like status bar.and the Led Light is being weird like she is turning off or trying to stay. And that the same for Return buttom and Windows( I don't know how it is called ) button.
-What happened before?
My brother throw the phone 1 time
I punched it more than 10 time
There is no backcover.
There is no protection.
How can i stop the phone from crashing?
What can i do? I'm lost i really need help.
Thanks everyone!
-What the problem?
I losted my old phone and my mom gave me my grand-mother phone (SM-G800F Samsung Galaxy S5 Mini). I don't know if this phone is old but after 2 or 3 years the phone battery got swollen i don't know why but i'm using it right now, the phone were crashing after unplug the phone under 60% after it changed to 80% and again to 90% and again yes now i have to stay with the phone charged, it mean if i unplug it, the phone gonna crash but if the screen is turned off the phone work as well so i can still put music and try to skip with 5 sec before it crash.
Now today i can't use it even if the screen is turned off i can't use it unpluged. And even if the phone is pluged it still crash after 20 min or if i used to many apps or if the phone is too used if you know what i mean. When i was writing this post i unpluged and pluged 7 time the phone to make sure it don't crash.
-What happen when it crash?
The phone start to play with the screen it mean if i press Enter on the keyboard the phone gonna write "haofjszguzk" it gonna presse everywhere and open everything like status bar.and the Led Light is being weird like she is turning off or trying to stay. And that the same for Return buttom and Windows( I don't know how it is called ) button.
-What happened before?
My brother throw the phone 1 time
I punched it more than 10 time
There is no backcover.
There is no protection.
How can i stop the phone from crashing?
What can i do? I'm lost i really need help.
Thanks everyone!