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Best Clock/weather wiget?

In reality the only weather that matters right now is outside your window. Forecasts 4 days ahead are simply guesses, why would I care what the weather is like in Scotland?

If I have to go there, then I'm going there regardless of the weather :)

Educated guess though :)

Actually when you live somewhere like I do, even right now, the next town could be raining and here sunny. If all the shops are in the next town, its nice to know
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In reality the only weather that matters right now is outside your window. Forecasts 4 days ahead are simply guesses, why would I care what the weather is like in Scotland?

If I have to go there, then I'm going there regardless of the weather :)

If you are planning some outdoor activities, it is probably best to ensure you have a good chance of good weather. If the weather looks like it is going to be bad, perhaps you should plan some other type of activity or schedule it at a different time.

If you do plan to travel, it is best to see what the weather forecast is so that you can bring the appropriate clothing. I had an argument with my wife when I was about to take a trip. She wanted me to bring warm clothing, but I chose to bring some lighter clothing because the forecast was for warm weather. I was right.

Regarding widgets, I like The Weather Network's weather widget and Analog Clock with Second Hand widget. The Weather Channel also has a decent widget, but I like The Weather Network because it is smaller and shows better radar imagery for my city.
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In reality the only weather that matters right now is outside your window. Forecasts 4 days ahead are simply guesses, why would I care what the weather is like in Scotland?

If I have to go there, then I'm going there regardless of the weather :)

But if you're going to go there 4 days from now and know there's a possibility of rain, you know to pack an umbrella and/or raincoat. These would be unnecessary weight if it's going to be clear and sunny. :)
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