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Accessories Best glass screen protector?

I only use glass screen protectors. The two best ones IMHO is Phantom and Pleson. Phantom is #1 and the most expensive. Unfortunately, neither company make a glass protector for the "10". Both companies said they won't make one because the screen curves around the edges. I have tried a few other brands that didn't cover the entire screen and they were OK, but not the same quality as the other two. I currently have the G-Color clear glass. It doesn't cover the entire screen and it doesn't stay as clean as the others. I just purchased a SuperShieldz with the black outline, but I don't have much hope. There is an article named, "Best tempered glass screen protectors for the HTC 10 (so far) " and the link is:
If you find a good one, please post it.
Good luck!
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