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best keyboard?

Well, I am using Saitek Eclipse keyboard. It most popular keyboard right now. This keyboard features its own backlight for increased visibility during late hours.

Most popular? Based on what? I've never even heard of it so it's not that popular. And what is this propaganda about it having it's own backlight? It's a backlit display so ANY on-screen keyboard you use will be backlit. What a worthless spamerrific post.
Most popular? Based on what? I've never even heard of it so it's not that popular. And what is this propaganda about it having it's own backlight? It's a backlit display so ANY on-screen keyboard you use will be backlit. What a worthless spamerrific post.

fancysmith was talking about a real physical keyboard called the Saitek Eclipse, so not surprising you've never heard of it!

Why it's necessary to mention real life keyboards in the Android Applications forum is beyond me!
Hey, I'm using the stock keyboard . Yet I would love to try swype but they closed beta . So what other keyboard are u guyz using?

What phone do you have? I didn't realize it until I read about it a few days after I got my Droid X, but it came with Swype preinstalled on it. If you have a DX, open the keyboard, long-press on the part where the words show up, and change input meathod to Swype. of course, if you don't have a DX, then this is just a rotten tease, huh?

Edit: Just looked through your post history, and looks like you have the HTC Desire. Guess what I said wasn't much help, huh?
Register with them(swype) , and as soon as they release a new version you will be getting the download links and procedure to download via email.
or you can use the login details to directly download it via their site.
Alternative - Slide it keyboard
Another vote for SwiftkeyX from me. I hate swype, and Swiftkey's predictions are spot on. I type full sentences with like 5 presses at this point. At first it's not all that much better than the stock keyboard (especially if you talk with alot of slang like "dats coo") but once it learns how you talk, it's irreplaceable.

A good runner up is A.I. Keyboard. But not as robust if you ask me.

edit: That blindtype looks pretty crazy. I'll give it a shot when it comes out. But it better work pretty damn well to get me to uninstall swiftkey...
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