I upgraded from a Storm 2 to a Droid X on launch day. Since then, I've been trying different keyboards in an attempt to find the best one for me. On my Storm 2 I used it's SureType (compact QWERTY) keyboard, and had become very profecient and fast with it. I have yet to reach that same level on my X. I've tried the standard keyboard, Swype and SwiftKey.
Now I'm looking at Better Keyboard. It has a compact QWERTY mode that looks a lot like the compact keyboard on the Storm 2. However, it doesn't appear to have any learning capabilities. Even if I type the same word in again and again, it still won't be selected by default in the predective/suggestive words list. A simple example is 'I'. If I press the 'UI' key, it suggests 'U' instead of 'I', and I haven't found a way around it. Some others are 'where', 'why', 'is'. I've even tried adding these words to the User Dictionary without success.
Has anyone using Better Keyboard in compact QWERTY found a solution to this?
Now I'm looking at Better Keyboard. It has a compact QWERTY mode that looks a lot like the compact keyboard on the Storm 2. However, it doesn't appear to have any learning capabilities. Even if I type the same word in again and again, it still won't be selected by default in the predective/suggestive words list. A simple example is 'I'. If I press the 'UI' key, it suggests 'U' instead of 'I', and I haven't found a way around it. Some others are 'where', 'why', 'is'. I've even tried adding these words to the User Dictionary without success.
Has anyone using Better Keyboard in compact QWERTY found a solution to this?