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Better Keyboard


I upgraded from a Storm 2 to a Droid X on launch day. Since then, I've been trying different keyboards in an attempt to find the best one for me. On my Storm 2 I used it's SureType (compact QWERTY) keyboard, and had become very profecient and fast with it. I have yet to reach that same level on my X. I've tried the standard keyboard, Swype and SwiftKey.

Now I'm looking at Better Keyboard. It has a compact QWERTY mode that looks a lot like the compact keyboard on the Storm 2. However, it doesn't appear to have any learning capabilities. Even if I type the same word in again and again, it still won't be selected by default in the predective/suggestive words list. A simple example is 'I'. If I press the 'UI' key, it suggests 'U' instead of 'I', and I haven't found a way around it. Some others are 'where', 'why', 'is'. I've even tried adding these words to the User Dictionary without success.

Has anyone using Better Keyboard in compact QWERTY found a solution to this?

Better keyboard you have to enable it using the xt9 button on the left side of the keyboard. The new version of better keyboard is multi touch, however I can't seem to get it to working. I prefer smart keyboard
xt9 is enabled. I did find out something interesting. With those words in my user dictionary, it will pick them correctly the first time I type something in after restarting my phone. After that, it's hit or miss, until the phone is restarted again. Weird.
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