I know it has been touched on in many other threads (i wish i would have known before ordering) but i am taking a direct approach to possible save others some grief.
Perhaps it is common knowledge or perhaps not. regardless, i was unaware which means at least some people might not know. There are loads of fake Micro SD cards floating around. typically ebay. Basically they take a 2gb or so and manipulate the code a little bit to make your computer/phone see it as a 32gb card. usually.
I ordered a 32gb class 4 Micro SDHC card of a 99.8% positive feedback seller on ebay. i picked it up for $46 plus $4 shipping. seemed pretty reasonable and not too good to be true. currently a Patriot 32gb Class 10 is $109 on frys.com so logic would allow a class 4 to run about $50.
when i received my card, i copied over some files from my old 8gb and popped it into my Dinc. My phone however failed to see it. i attempted to format the card through my phone wondering if that was the problem. my phone appeared to do nothing, so when i popped the card back into my PC it said i needed to format the disk in order to use it. the only size partition i could make was an 8mb. this raised some red flags so i turned to google.
Did i mention it was a Sandisk in the package? but when i scanned the barcode with my lovely little phone it showed the sku was for a sandisk 2gb card priced at about 8 bucks.
perhaps i should have done a bit more research before jumping at a soon closing auction.
long story short:
i suggest only buying from reputable sites.
just curious, anybody else experience the same scam?
Perhaps it is common knowledge or perhaps not. regardless, i was unaware which means at least some people might not know. There are loads of fake Micro SD cards floating around. typically ebay. Basically they take a 2gb or so and manipulate the code a little bit to make your computer/phone see it as a 32gb card. usually.
I ordered a 32gb class 4 Micro SDHC card of a 99.8% positive feedback seller on ebay. i picked it up for $46 plus $4 shipping. seemed pretty reasonable and not too good to be true. currently a Patriot 32gb Class 10 is $109 on frys.com so logic would allow a class 4 to run about $50.
when i received my card, i copied over some files from my old 8gb and popped it into my Dinc. My phone however failed to see it. i attempted to format the card through my phone wondering if that was the problem. my phone appeared to do nothing, so when i popped the card back into my PC it said i needed to format the disk in order to use it. the only size partition i could make was an 8mb. this raised some red flags so i turned to google.
Did i mention it was a Sandisk in the package? but when i scanned the barcode with my lovely little phone it showed the sku was for a sandisk 2gb card priced at about 8 bucks.
perhaps i should have done a bit more research before jumping at a soon closing auction.
long story short:
i suggest only buying from reputable sites.
just curious, anybody else experience the same scam?