I have a blu g90 only had for a couple of months Android 10 needed to do a security update so I allowed it phone was new to me shortly after screen froze phone crashed and restarted itself. Since then the square button on bananas bar which usually calls up your recent apps window or recent windows whatever you want to call it but no longer functions that way so essentially has no function anymore. However in gesture mode does the function not sure it's functioning properly although it's kind of hinky and you can only call up a couple of windows but that may be all that's running. So only on the buttons navbar does it not function any ideas? If it matters at the same time my SD card set up as internal memory stopped allowing migration of data or apps can't even migrate all the data that it has on their back to the main phone storage to reformat it as file storage. And according to phone I have two storage is the same amount of storage that is on both the internal phone storage and on the SD card individually. However I have another thread for that but trying to restore recent app functionality without a reset may end up having to do reset anyway but will take at least a whole day to reinstall upwards of 300 apps and to log into them and set them back up and then a week of working out things settings I didn't get initially so any alternatives for restoring functionality to the recent apps square button otherwise it's essentially a dead button and when I tried calling up recent apps to Nova Launcher Gestures does not work only way you can free synapse works is with launcher3 which was the default launcher on this phone not Google Now