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Root Bluetooth Tethering for Avant (BNEP)


Dec 19, 2014
I have already posted this over at XDA but since they do not have an official channel for this I did not bother to create a new thread. I have attached a flashable file that you can use TWRP on to add the bluetooth toggle switch to your menu and give your device the needed bluetooth bnep profile natively. As it stands now stock is so limited that 3rd party programs cannot even give you bluetooth tethering, but this will.

The files included are a modified framework-res.apk and a bluetooth.default.so driver file. I do not have the source, but it was borrowed from a Galaxy S5 mini based on the same msm8226 chipset. I have not had any issues with it.


  • AvantBT.zip
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Just flashed this with twrp on my stock rooted T-mob Avant, followed by wiping dalvik and cache partition. Phone won't get past the all-white T-mobile 4G LTE screen, and attempts to reboot via power button is met with a couple quick vibration pulses every 10 seconds or so that I hold the power button down. Also, seems I can't boot into twrp either. Download mode still works, though.

And yeah, got cocky and didn't make a backup. :\

Grabbing the official firmware now, gonna try extracting and replacing the framework-res and bluetooth.so files and see if it boots. worst case scenario, complete reflash via odin. Still, not sure what went bonkers.

Er, scratch that, twrp boots. T'was user error on my part, wrong button combo.

Anyway, I'm now in an area without wifi, and if I reflash the official firmware, then the auto-download of all my apps is gonna kill my data bucket completely, and I'd like to avoid that. Anyone have an original copy of two files, or can tell me how to extract them from the official firmware?

Once I have them, I can adb push......

-edit 2-
Don't have adb access in twrp for some reason. Well, there goes that idea.

Oh! I know! Make a backup of /data, flash official ROM, root, flash twrp, load backup of /data >>>>>>>profit! :D
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