Hi, new here and need you smart people to help me with a decision. I am a Boost mobile customer, happy with my service for my wife and I and will never pay the big companies service plans and contracts. I have the beginner's model Samsung Galaxy Prevail, pretty boring but it was the only smart phone Boost had at the time. Well now they have the HTC Evo Design. I am not an android pro and need some help here. I have three hundred bucks to buy the Boost HTC Evo Design but I am wondering if I should buy a Sprint HTC Evo LTE and have it flashed to Boost? So also please tell me if I could experience problems with my phone if I do this. The one problem I see is the Sprint HTC LTE is EXPENSIVE if you but it without signing a contract. Is there another way to pick one up for about what I would pay for the Boost HTC Evo Design? I did a comparison of the two online and obviously the Sprint HTC Evo LTE is better than Boost's HTC but how much better really? I just don't know if i should shell out 300.00 for the Boost HTC if I could get a Sprint EVO LTE for close to that. Also is flashing legal? I am sorry if this is a repost in anyway, I work hard for my money and really dont want to waste 300.00, plus i need to get my wife one.... Ouch.... Please let me know your thoughts.....