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Help Boot Animations

Be very careful flashing boot animations, if you mess it up you will SOFT brick your not not a perma brick but its still a brick

Yeah, I thought I had done that when I flashed the 1st ani. It seemed like it was stuck on the ani for a long time, but it was the Dalvik cache rebuilding itself (I cleared it before I flashed).

I'm using the Android Particles, btw.
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Yeah, I thought I had done that when I flashed the 1st ani. It seemed like it was stuck on the ani for a long time, but it was the Dalvik cache rebuilding itself (I cleared it before I flashed).

I'm using the Android Particles, btw.

Personally i like the droid eye one, and the Android Particles, But just remember if you start messing with the boot logo's and get something wrong that WILL perma brick your phone, i have only change the boot logo once :D
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