I would expect it to work. Do note that it will probably cost you a bit more than that because US prices are always quoted without sales taxes, so what you pay is always higher than what it says (by how much will depend on where within the US he buys it - sales taxes vary).
There's also a legal point to consider: I don't know German law, but in the UK you would be liable for VAT and import duties on a private import of this value. Of course it's highly likely that your friend would not be checked, or would be able to pass it off as their own, but strictly speaking there would be that financial liability (which under UK law would also apply to a gift - the idea that personal imports can escape duty by labelling them as gifts is one of those internet myths). As I say, I don't know German law, but wouldn't be surprised if it is similar, so thought I should mention the possibility so that you are fully informed.