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Calendar App in HTC hero


I love my HTC Hero. It's great, but the Calendar app is driving me nuts.
It looks good, it's easy to use, it syncs beautifully with Exchange and Outlook. However there are some GLARING problems that make it a major pain is the arse.

1) The month view. This seems to be the default view for the app which is crazy because its the most useless. It tells me nothing at all except which days I have some entries on which is ALL OF THEM ! I never want to see this view, EVER...unless I specifically ask for it. Also, changing months should be a left/right gesture...not up/down.

2) Day view is OK. You have a choice of list or grid but you should be able to quickly toggle between these rather than have to go into settings. Also, I cannot get from day to day. I should be able to go into day view and then gesture right to go to the next day and left to go to the previous. If I want to look at each day of a week I have keep going into each day, then back to month view etc which is INFURIATING !

3) No week view ! OMFG, I can't believe this app has no week view ! The most frequent use of my calendar is when someone asks me when I'm free for a meeting this week or next week. To find this out I have to start in the month view and then go into each day in turn (see 2), make a mental note of the available times and so on. A simple view showing free/busy time over a week is ABSOLUTEY INDISPENSIBLE. I can't believe this app was allowed into production without that basic, fundamental functionality.

4) The small desktop widget : when I select the next appointment it takes me to that appointment which is fine, but when I select the date/calendar icon on the left which shows todays date, inst4aedvof taking me to today's day view....it takes me to the stupid MONTH VIEW....Gah!

OK. So I'm not sure if this app is Android or HTC but PLEASE, whoever is responsible, sort this out !

As a side note if anyone knows of a Calendar app that has the features I need please let me know.

Cheers :)
Thanks. I did try out some of the calendar apps in the market including this one. None of them ae much cop. This one seems to offer variations on the Month view that is particularly useless :(
The calendar infuriates me as well. However when I am in day view in the time mode I can swipe to the next day by swiping left and right. Don't know if this is an update ROM thing as I updated as soon as I got my device.
I stand corrected.
You can swipe left and right in day mode but ONLY when in TimeGrid view.
A small consolation I suppose.
I sent an e-mail to HTC about the lack of a week view and got the following response:
Dear valued HTC customer,

Thank you for contacting our Customer Support Center. We are dedicated to providing you with the best quality service and answering all of your questions and concerns.

You recently wrote us about an issue that you have encountered with your handset.

Thank you for pointing this out. We will pass it to our development department so they can add this option in the next ROM update.

Thank you once again for your continued patronage.

Best regards,
Europe customer support team
HTC Corp. Global Service Division
In order to actually make this change happen (it's one thing for a customer support guy to promise something, it's a whole other thing to actually get the development team to make the change) I suggest that everyone who is annoyed by this issue sends them an e-mail as well. To send an e-mail you use the following address:

HTC - About HTC - Contact Us by E-mail
Hi all,

I got my hero today - the key feature of any 'phone is the syncing it does with my outlook and in particular contacts and calendar.

I might be being dense (not the first time) but i a) can't find a way to get the time view day calendar (my favourite) onto one of the scene pages so that i can immediately look at the entire day in a time format. at the moment i have the next appt only on my scene front page and can't see if there are two at the same time or any future/past ones.

I would be happy to have it in task/day view only if it showed the entire day and had the times of each appt.

I come from the HTC Tytn which i have been loathe to change (despite its flaws) because i love being able to quickly see the whole day in my diary.

Any help?


I have just got my hero and am disappointed with the Hero for a separate reason (and i may just be being dense).

I want to get the day view (preferably day/time rather than just task) on a full page on a scene. At the moment i can only get one appt on the scene homepage (often i have more than one at the same time or want to see a few hours ahead) and or the (as you have discussed, useless) month view on one of the other pages.

Can anyone help it's is driving me crazy, i came from a Tytn (sp?) and though it was dated and had massive flaws the calendar (the most important part to me) and contacts were really useable.

I agree with everything you said about the UI flaws! I pretty much just use "Agenda" mode.

Yes you can flip from day to day in time view, but I hate day view because it only shows you a few hours. It should compress unused hours (like every other PDA calendar does, right?)
Go to the calendar. Should be a month view. Now tap any day and you'll get that day in full screen.


I have just got my hero and am disappointed with the Hero for a separate reason (and i may just be being dense).

I want to get the day view (preferably day/time rather than just task) on a full page on a scene. At the moment i can only get one appt on the scene homepage (often i have more than one at the same time or want to see a few hours ahead) and or the (as you have discussed, useless) month view on one of the other pages.

Can anyone help it's is driving me crazy, i came from a Tytn (sp?) and though it was dated and had massive flaws the calendar (the most important part to me) and contacts were really useable.

Hi Folks,
I have had exactly the same issue. I've have started to get into the customising of my Hero and am astounded at having no week view in the calendar.
My previous phone was a Diamond and as much as I'm loathe to say it, the WinMob calendar was far better.
Can anyone recommend a good calendar app that has week view?
Other than that I am so happy to have found Android and left the evil empire behind (at least outside the office).
Oh, and will definitely be sending that email to HTC. UAT guys UAT!!
Scuse the bump, but has anyone developed a better calendar app yet? I particularly want to scroll through days in the 'day' view, seems a bit basic to have not been included! It would also be useful to have a summary of a day in the month view, much like 'hovering' on a day on my old N82.
guys i bought and have been using Pure Cal widget for quite a while now and its amazing!

Hey Zedsj, That's great the you've found something that works for you.:)
Does Pure Cal have week view? There is no mention in the info.
hey whisky...yes and no...it is basically a month view similar to google calendars...but with the 'calendar timelines' and the pop up with more details when a day is touched it negates the need for a weekly view.

I am very fussy about my calendar...i was very happy with the Palm OS's system (too bad thats the only thing they got right...) and was disappointed with both the iphone's and android's in built cal...so although it didnt look like much decided to give pure cal a try....nothing to lose with a 24 hour refund...

i was blown away by it and recommend it ever since!
Thanks Zedsj, downloading as we go! Also pretty fussy about calendars, only thing I liked about my WinMob Diamond!

Looking forward to setting it up.

Another vote here for pure calendar...couldn't live without it!! Color codes everything much like the treo calendar did.....That along with CalWidget which lets me view several days of upcoming events in agenda view (kind of like a today screen) works well for me.
Ok I'm sold! Just finished customising and looks great & becuase you can show days with no entries (wish there were more of those!) it has the same effect as having week veiw. Great app.
Pure Cal sounds great, thanks guys. Very new to android, does this calendar allow you to sync across multiple calendars with different people? My wife and I share calendars on Google Cal, and its a good way to keep track of when we both have appointments and etc, but I want it on my phone too.

I want to make sure she never schedules anything during a NFL playoff game again. Thanks
It syncs with multiple calendars. As long as you can see it in your Google calendar it will show up. Even other or public (I'm guessing there's one of those for the NFL ;)) calendars you link to your account. Works great!
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