I love my HTC Hero. It's great, but the Calendar app is driving me nuts.
It looks good, it's easy to use, it syncs beautifully with Exchange and Outlook. However there are some GLARING problems that make it a major pain is the arse.
1) The month view. This seems to be the default view for the app which is crazy because its the most useless. It tells me nothing at all except which days I have some entries on which is ALL OF THEM ! I never want to see this view, EVER...unless I specifically ask for it. Also, changing months should be a left/right gesture...not up/down.
2) Day view is OK. You have a choice of list or grid but you should be able to quickly toggle between these rather than have to go into settings. Also, I cannot get from day to day. I should be able to go into day view and then gesture right to go to the next day and left to go to the previous. If I want to look at each day of a week I have keep going into each day, then back to month view etc which is INFURIATING !
3) No week view ! OMFG, I can't believe this app has no week view ! The most frequent use of my calendar is when someone asks me when I'm free for a meeting this week or next week. To find this out I have to start in the month view and then go into each day in turn (see 2), make a mental note of the available times and so on. A simple view showing free/busy time over a week is ABSOLUTEY INDISPENSIBLE. I can't believe this app was allowed into production without that basic, fundamental functionality.
4) The small desktop widget : when I select the next appointment it takes me to that appointment which is fine, but when I select the date/calendar icon on the left which shows todays date, inst4aedvof taking me to today's day view....it takes me to the stupid MONTH VIEW....Gah!
OK. So I'm not sure if this app is Android or HTC but PLEASE, whoever is responsible, sort this out !
As a side note if anyone knows of a Calendar app that has the features I need please let me know.
It looks good, it's easy to use, it syncs beautifully with Exchange and Outlook. However there are some GLARING problems that make it a major pain is the arse.
1) The month view. This seems to be the default view for the app which is crazy because its the most useless. It tells me nothing at all except which days I have some entries on which is ALL OF THEM ! I never want to see this view, EVER...unless I specifically ask for it. Also, changing months should be a left/right gesture...not up/down.
2) Day view is OK. You have a choice of list or grid but you should be able to quickly toggle between these rather than have to go into settings. Also, I cannot get from day to day. I should be able to go into day view and then gesture right to go to the next day and left to go to the previous. If I want to look at each day of a week I have keep going into each day, then back to month view etc which is INFURIATING !
3) No week view ! OMFG, I can't believe this app has no week view ! The most frequent use of my calendar is when someone asks me when I'm free for a meeting this week or next week. To find this out I have to start in the month view and then go into each day in turn (see 2), make a mental note of the available times and so on. A simple view showing free/busy time over a week is ABSOLUTEY INDISPENSIBLE. I can't believe this app was allowed into production without that basic, fundamental functionality.
4) The small desktop widget : when I select the next appointment it takes me to that appointment which is fine, but when I select the date/calendar icon on the left which shows todays date, inst4aedvof taking me to today's day view....it takes me to the stupid MONTH VIEW....Gah!
OK. So I'm not sure if this app is Android or HTC but PLEASE, whoever is responsible, sort this out !
As a side note if anyone knows of a Calendar app that has the features I need please let me know.