Can anyone call the last number they dialed in less than 5 moves on Motorola Droid without having that contact set as a direct dial shortcut on their Home screen?
This is after screen has timed out and phone shotcut is not already open. I currently have to>press power>swipe or use pattern>press phone>press call log> press phone icon next to name. If the answer is no, people really need to think twice when they say how the phone is so easy to use. If it can be done quicker, please show how.
This is after screen has timed out and phone shotcut is not already open. I currently have to>press power>swipe or use pattern>press phone>press call log> press phone icon next to name. If the answer is no, people really need to think twice when they say how the phone is so easy to use. If it can be done quicker, please show how.