First of all, I figured why I didn't see any call recording apps -- apparently you don't see paid apps in the Market if you're in Canada. As soon as I popped in my ATT SIM card I could see all the paid apps.
Based on the reviews and suggestions on the other forums I've decided to go with the UVR (Ultimate Voice Recorder) which was also available on Symbian, tho wasn't my choice back then. The UVR records your own voice really well, however you can barely hear the caller/callee so its efficiency is very limited. I also noted that on my phone (basic 1.6-based ROM) it dramatically slowed down the dialer to the point where I've had to remove UVR from the phone.
So yeah, I'm still looking for a good call recording app.
For the voicemail -- the reason I don't want to use GV or some other call redirecting services because I spend 99% of my time outside the US and redirecting calls to US phone number would cost me a little fortune. Considering that my incoming calls are free almost everywhere (well, besides the US) I'd rather have an app on my phone doing that than dealing with the provider's voicemail systems (especially considering that canadian providers love to charge monthly fees for voicemail).
No luck finding decent voicemail application for Android either.
I'm really frustrated at this point -- I totally love Android, I believe it's the best smartphone OS available at the moment, I like that it's being developed to bring even more features to the users, however how could they have omitted the API to make it possible to code these apps when even the outdated Symbian offers this API is beyond me.