I read the other forum questions regarding cameras and I couldnt see one that quiote matched my problem. I have 2 new samsung galaxy portal phones running android 2.1. Overall they are absolutely fantastic but the camera when we are outside and its sunny the screen and resulting photo is a completely white screen/image - if I flip to camcorder the picture is fine
. I am not sure if there is a setting I can change to make it good ? Any help would be so appreciated - my wife is thinking of going back to her nokia as the camera on that works fine 
I read the other forum questions regarding cameras and I couldnt see one that quiote matched my problem. I have 2 new samsung galaxy portal phones running android 2.1. Overall they are absolutely fantastic but the camera when we are outside and its sunny the screen and resulting photo is a completely white screen/image - if I flip to camcorder the picture is fine