I've tried googling but couldn't find any helpful answers.
The problem started yesterday. My phone's due date for minutes was due today and I bought the card today so it has nothing to do with running out if minutes.
Most of my messages send to people, but 0 messages get sent to me. Excluding two that were sent 30mins+ late.
Why is this happening ? Perhaps just a simple error with the networks right now ?
How do I fix it ?
It's a virgin mobile chaser. My calls work as well.
If I have to , I will call virgin mobile but I don't want to if it can be fixed by myself. >_<
Thank you!
The problem started yesterday. My phone's due date for minutes was due today and I bought the card today so it has nothing to do with running out if minutes.
Most of my messages send to people, but 0 messages get sent to me. Excluding two that were sent 30mins+ late.
Why is this happening ? Perhaps just a simple error with the networks right now ?
How do I fix it ?
It's a virgin mobile chaser. My calls work as well.
If I have to , I will call virgin mobile but I don't want to if it can be fixed by myself. >_<
Thank you!