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Root Can someone explain rooting to me?


Nov 16, 2011
I know that rooting is going into your phone and being able to access more stuff within it.

Here are some questions I have:

Is rooting permanent? I use to hear it is but ive been seeing a lot of unrooting posts lately.

If i mess up can it be fixed?

What are roms and how can they be benefical?

Im a phone lover, and i love to customize the crap out of my phones. I used to have an iphone which i jailbroke and messed with daily.

Thanks for your help i appreciate it!
There are temp root solutions that will allow you to freeze bundled apps you don't want but you need an app for that. "Permaroot" solutions are imho, much more preferable because why just freeze the app, when you can remove it entirely FOR GOOD, and regain memory on your phone? I want superuser/admin status of my phone, just as you have when you buy a computer and take it home. I want all the apps I don't use or want OFF the phone! lol..

The problem right now is with OS Gingerbread 2.3.4; you can revert your OS back to Froyo 2.2.1 and root the phone, and then install GB, but at this moment many (including myself) are waiting for a solution to directly root 2.3.4 on the MT4G phone because at this time, we cannot root Gingerbread. I really don't want to deal with the hassle of reverting back to Froyo. We hear the solution is but "weeks" away... how long that is, is anybody's guess. It would be real nice to have that available by Thanksgiving, or at least Christmas of this year.

Yes you can make mistakes and some can be fixed; but you can "brick" your phone if not careful. If you just follow the steps correctly, make sure any keystroke entries are accurate, etc, you don't have anything to worry about. Getting sloppy or leaving-out a step, etc, can get you into trouble. I have NOT rooted my smartphone yet (I came from BB so rooting a phone is something I've never done), so others here can be of more help than myself. Check the threads here and the xda developers site and you can glean a TON of info to answer your questions.
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IF you dont understand the point of roms then dont bother with rooting. Its for people who really like to customize their phone. There are also some ppl that want bloatware off of the stock tmobile rom, which is why they use the temp root. So I tell you, the for custom roms is ppl dont like the stock froyo or gb, and want something more customizable.
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