Folks, I think it's a matter of perception (which we all know can be reality for some) and a lack of knowledge regarding basic electrical theory for the OP. The last 4 posts are quite spot on. There is potentially a nominal loss of current over longer cords (such as those which are fixed cords versus the relatively short USB data/charger cord), but over the typical runs of a wall adapter (normally between 3 and 6 feet), the loss would be so minor that it would not play a significant role in whether that charger were better than another.
RE410, I did notice what you pointed out, the contradiction in the OP, but decided to take the middle road and simply point out the facts.
Sitlet also makes a good point re; the stock charger versus the car adapter. Strangely, often the car chargers are "rapid chargers" which actually exceed by a significant margin the AC adapters and can charge in 1-2 hours, whereas the AC adapters are typically called "trickle chargers", meant to charge over night.
The problem of batteries never reaching a full charge (which is discussed on many forums) has to do with several things, including the current draw of the phone while it's being charged. For higher end phones with faster processors and larger internal ram, and also phones which are running several background processes even while on charge, the phone can draw so much current that it can actually impede the charging of the battery such that the battery will reach a point of no-loss, no-gain. Typically this is at about 70% for many who have experienced this problem. I think it also has to do with the generic (aka Chinese imports) chargers which many times are rated at 500mA to conform to USB standards. Also, some phones are purported to have circuitry which determines if the charger is within a recommended range of current output and if not, the phone will reject the charger outright. This characteristic is notable with Droids as discussed in forums.
BDNH, it's safe to say that the charger that came with the phone is the best charger to use, whether faster or slower than others on the market, since the manufacturer has run countless "life of service" tests where they charge and discharge batteries at different rates to determine the optimum charging rate which gives the shortest charging time to obtain a complete charge while also extending the batteries' life and preventing overheating. Any experimentation with chargers other than those recommended by the manufacturer is at your own risk.