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Can you reset all app notification settings on Android Pie?

Hey Pepz,

I got an Pixel 2 XL with Android Pie on it and I want to reset all my apps notification settings. So what I ultimately want to do is change every apps settings to the same thing basically.

Show notifications: "ON"
Behaviour: "Make sound and pop up on screen"
On lock screen: "Show all notification content"
Sound: "Default notification sound"
Vibrate: "ON"
Blink light: "ON"
and so on...

There doesn't seem to be a way to default every app to have my desired settings (so a global change of the notification default), or is there? Does anyone know an app that can do this?
My goal is to have every app, system apps included, to do the same thing and afterwards change just some single apps to do something else.

So in short: Ignore the default a developer choose for me and override the whole notification settings everywhere to my taste.

(Otherwise I got to change 200+ apps manually and apps like Facebook, Snapchat or Tinder tend to have alot of subcategories so that would take days really
While this is an interesting concept, where you would set all notifications to only happen when during a time period you determine, don't forget this would also diminish the purpose of a lot services that you might want to know about in real time -- i.e. phone calls/voicemail, text messages, emails, etc.

Would enabling Airplane mode suffice? That will halt any incoming services, and whenever you want to check in with things just disable it.
While this is an interesting concept, where you would set all notifications to only happen when during a time period you determine
@svim, I do believe one of us is misunderstanding the OP. :thinking:

My take is that he's hoping for a down-and-dirty way to set all apps' notifications to be the same--not disabled--as outlined here:

Show notifications: "ON"
Behaviour: "Make sound and pop up on screen"
On lock screen: "Show all notification content"
Sound: "Default notification sound"
Vibrate: "ON"
Blink light: "ON"
and so on..

Then, pick and choose specific apps to change their notification sound or behavior.

@HarveySpecter, if my understanding is correct, I know of no way to do what you're after; I'm still on Oreo, though, so can't say for sure about Pie. My guess? No. And I doubt there's an app, because demand for something like this must be extremely low.
@svim, I do believe one of us is misunderstanding the OP. :thinking:

After re-reading the original posting I don't think I was misinterpreting anything. The OP apparently doesn't want sporadic notifications to be popping up, using Airplane mode would do just that, allowing one to disable/enable notifications globally. It was just a suggestion as there is no app currently available with enough Artificial Intelligence to read the users mind and determine which apps and services get cherry-picked options for notifications depending on the user's time schedule. At some point the user has to be involved in the choices he/she wants so no, Airplane mode isn't the best option but unless someone can actually provide one that is more appropriate, there doesn't actually appear to be a lot of alternatives.
A workable solution is to install a firewall app like NetGuard or Mobiwol, which allows a user granular control on how apps get online access through WiFi and through mobile data (although this won't block phone calls or SMS as those use basic cellular connectivity). Then it would be just a matter of enabling/disabling the firewall when appropriate. But I didn't bother suggesting it as it involves a considerable amount of set up on the user's part (picking which apps get WiFi and get mobile data access), something the OP specifically doesn't want to do.
After re-reading the original posting I don't think I was misinterpreting anything. The OP apparently doesn't want sporadic notifications to be popping up, using Airplane mode would do just that, allowing one to disable/enable notifications globally. It was just a suggestion as there is no app currently available with enough Artificial Intelligence to read the users mind and determine which apps and services get cherry-picked options for notifications depending on the user's time schedule. At some point the user has to be involved in the choices he/she wants so no, Airplane mode isn't the best option but unless someone can actually provide one that is more appropriate, there doesn't actually appear to be a lot of alternatives.
A workable solution is to install a firewall app like NetGuard or Mobiwol, which allows a user granular control on how apps get online access through WiFi and through mobile data (although this won't block phone calls or SMS as those use basic cellular connectivity). Then it would be just a matter of enabling/disabling the firewall when appropriate. But I didn't bother suggesting it as it involves a considerable amount of set up on the user's part (picking which apps get WiFi and get mobile data access), something the OP specifically doesn't want to do.

Ha ha, and I don't think I am! ;) :D

Let's see what the OP says when he comes back. Maybe we'll both be surprised. :eek:

Hey svim & MoodyBlues,

I actually meant what MoodyBlues picked up. "dirty-and-down" forcing every app to the same default for everything regarding notifications. It actually could go both ways though, disabling every notification and then cherry picking every one where I want to get notifications like messenger, sms and cellular apps or the other way around where everything is on "popup mode" and makes a sound and vibrates and then I cherry pick everyone of them which I don't want to hear. But right now every app has it's own initial setup picked by the dev. So really what I want is to reset them ALL to one and the same state and then change them from there :) I'm aware of airplaine mode and do not disturb but those are like you said only something you use over a certain period of time but what I want to do should stay permanently :)

Yes I understand that there is no big demand for something this deep-going hahah I just want to make my android "perfect" You know, the average Joe would just mute a certain app if it makes some special notification which you don't want but I am aiming for not even having to get it in the first place and knowing when I pick up my phone what apps are going to give me alerts with a certain pattern like vibrating and making a sound.

Well well, then I'll be going through all my apps and setting them to my pattern and then picking the ones which should alert me afterward when everything is set to the same :)
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