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Help cannot connect to internet error at times

Several possibilities come to mind:

  • You're at a lull, perhaps a fringe-y kind of area - this might be helped by Mobile Data always on, might not
  • You're near a tower and there's no call for this - in this case, the Evo forum has a thread noting that you can open a trouble ticket with Sprint, but they're likely to take no action unless some threshold of complaints is reached, presently thought to be 50 customers
  • It's literally a stuck bit on the motherboard, typically cured by a battery pull for about 60 seconds
  • A piece of your settings have lost their mind - update PRL then Profile in that order, it can't hurt - if PRL rev number doesn't change, but behavior does, don't sweat the technique, it's just correcting a corrupted internal file

Suggest you see if this will help you find nearest towers - https://market.android.com/details?id=com.technolatry.antennas&feature=search_result

I've found the app slightly skittish, sometimes getting the right tower locations right off, other instances needing a little time to be sure
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