I'vbeen having the darndest time trying to install the ADT. I'm running Ubuntu 9.1 with Eclipse 3.51. I've been trying to get the ADT installed and am having trouble with dependencies.
I have so far successfully installed the GEF plugin and managed to install the Android DDMS.
However, it is looking for the WST -
Looking with my buddy, Google, I found the WST is another add-on (plugin?) that is used. I see links here - Eclipse Web Tools Platform (WTP) Downloads and here - Web Tools Platform (WTP) Project
however, I have no clue how to install.
I have so far successfully installed the GEF plugin and managed to install the Android DDMS.
However, it is looking for the WST -
Missing requirement: Android Development Tools 0.9.6.v201002051504-24846 ( 0.9.6.v201002051504-24846) requires 'org.eclipse.wst.xml.ui 0.0.0' but it could not be found
Looking with my buddy, Google, I found the WST is another add-on (plugin?) that is used. I see links here - Eclipse Web Tools Platform (WTP) Downloads and here - Web Tools Platform (WTP) Project
however, I have no clue how to install.