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Can't Decide...AT&T: Unlocked Nexus S or a Samsung Captivate

I have had my Backflip for longer than anyone should ever own one (more than twelve seconds. Okay okay, more like a year) and now there is an opportunity for me to get an upgrade.

I'm on AT&T, unfortunately, and I am having trouble deciding between getting the Nexus S or a Captivate?

I hear that the Nexus S does not get AT&T's 3G, but the Captivate runs 2.1 (and I dunno for sure, but has a 2.2 update for it come out yet?)

Thanks for any input!
Captivate is a good phone but no idea when it will be getting 2.2 or higher (without voiding the warranty).

Many rumors are suggesting that a Nexus S with AT&T 3G bands will be coming out in March (similar to how the Nexus One was released, first with T-Mobile/Euro/Asia 3G bands and later that quarter, one with AT&T 3G bands)- Mobilicity Says Nexus S Heading to Canada’s Big Carriers; Probably in March | Android Phone Fans but I highly doubt that it will be available under contract (due to lack of bloatware and AT&T's restrictions, ie. side-loading non-market apps). Alot of this is speculation so time shall tell.

As far as on contract alternatives go, there were 3 high end Android devices for AT&T (with full support for HSPA+ and all with Android 2.2) announced at CES a couple of weeks ago:
-Samsung Infuse (a Captivate with a 1.2GHz processor, 4.5" screen, front facing camera and Android 2.2),
-HTC Inspire (like an Evo without a font facing camera, 768MB of RAM instead of 512MB and featuring the newer Qualcomm Snapdragon platform which is better in terms of graphics)
-Motorola Atrix (in terms of pure specs, it probably is going to be the most powerful phone at the time of launch. Features a dual-core 1GHz processor, 1GB of RAM, 4" 960x540 screen, front facing camera. Only problem is that it has a locked bootloader similar to your Backflip making it hard to load custom kernels if you are into the modding scene).

No idea when any of these 3 phones will be releasing but all are rumored for quarter one of this year. If you can hold onto your Backflip for a couple of months, it might be a good idea.
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I spoke with an AT&T rep yesterday and she again told me "soon" on the release of 2.2 for the Captivate (which I have). And it will definitely be over Kies, not OTA. She mentioned that relevant AT&T customers will receive a text message when the upgrade is ready.
As for the phone itself, I LOVE it!!!! But then again, I just grew up from a Blackberry (9700). Android OS is phenomenal. Bye bye Berry!

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The Captivate really has a nice body, I can tell you that. It looks a lot better than the generic Galaxy S.

Having said it, the generic Galaxy S body, or the body like you see in the Vibrant, creaks sometimes. Despite being based on the Galaxy S body, for some reason the Nexus S feels very solid and does not creak at all.
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That's right. Either you hope there will be an AT&T compatible 3G Nexus S or stick to EDGE. Even if AT&T does not offer one, I feel its inevitable that a Nexus S will be offered to Latin American, Australian (Telstra) or Canadian (Bell) carriers that have the same band as AT&T.

But if you already decided you're going to be flashing ROMs and so on, you might as well go with a Captivate and try to get one on a discount. The only advantage of having a Nexus S is insisting you're going with the straight and true path of Google experience, with stock unadulterated, Google upgraded Android ROMs.
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