Hello, I'm am a 16 year old, and I am looking to buy an upgrade soon. I'm upgrading from a Cosmos touch so I'm looking for a decent phone. As of right now, my choices are between the Galaxy s4, the Galaxy s3, and the IPhone 5. My mind is more set on the Galaxy S4 but I'm afraid my specifications may be too picky for it. What I'm looking for in a phone is a comfortable interface, a phone that takes great photos (pretty much the only reason I'm considering the iPhone), and a device that has a great sound system for music. I also want a phone with up to date social app, since you know, I'm a teenager lol. One of the only things that worries me about the s4 is that I'm afraid it will be overwhelmingly big when using it, especially with one hand. How does the s3 compare to the s4 in terms of speed, comfort, photo quality etc. And how do both of these compare to the iPhone 5? Which of these SOUNDS like a better fit to me? In the end, I will still choose what I want, but I want to hear from people with experience. Thank you!