My english is very bad, so i hope you understand.
I make my own apps, and most off the time in fragment activities
On my website i have a php script, that will check if the username and password is correct filled in in the application.
I hace to get back from the website the userID, firstname and email address from the database, this info is stored in a json format like below:
login is a 0 or 1 for check if the user is correct login.
ut how to get the $result1 back to android.....
I have the following on my website visible
And I tried to read that in android with:
urlW contains the full link.
I write app in kotlin.
My english is very bad, so i hope you understand.
I make my own apps, and most off the time in fragment activities
On my website i have a php script, that will check if the username and password is correct filled in in the application.
I hace to get back from the website the userID, firstname and email address from the database, this info is stored in a json format like below:
$result1["rol"] = $rol;
$result1["login"] = $login;
$result1["username"] = $Qusername;
$result1["userid"] = $userID;
$result1["mail"] = $Qmail;
echo json_encode($result1);
login is a 0 or 1 for check if the user is correct login.
ut how to get the $result1 back to android.....
I have the following on my website visible
And I tried to read that in android with:
val apiResponse = URL(urlW).readText()
val url = URL(urlW)
val urlConnection = url.openConnection() as HttpURLConnection
val text = urlConnection.inputStream.bufferedReader().readText()
tUser.text = text
urlW contains the full link.
I write app in kotlin.