I recently bought a 16gb micro sd card for my droid. The first time I put it in my phone it worked fine; I was able to add and delete the contents on it. So, I put it in the adapter and into my computer to move the stuff from my old card to the new one with no problems. Then I put the new micro sd into my phone and it showed up as damaged, asking if I wanted to reformat it. I chose yes and after that nothing happened. After having this happen a few times, I put the micro back into the adapter and into my computer. It showed up as write-protected and would not let me do anything to the card. I tried the lock switch trick and still nothing. Just to make sure the adapter wasn't the problem, I put my old micro sd in it and did not get the write-protected message.
Anyway.. I guess what I'm asking is, where should I go from here? Did I do something wrong in the process of transferring data from card to card? Is my card a dud or is there hope for the little guy?
I know I'm asking a lot, but thank you for any and all help
Nevermind, I found a solution through another forum.. I would just delete this post but since I'm new I'm not sure how, oops
Anyway.. I guess what I'm asking is, where should I go from here? Did I do something wrong in the process of transferring data from card to card? Is my card a dud or is there hope for the little guy?
I know I'm asking a lot, but thank you for any and all help
Nevermind, I found a solution through another forum.. I would just delete this post but since I'm new I'm not sure how, oops