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Help Can't use ScreenLock Widgets with a PIN


I need to usea a 6-digit PIn on my phone for corporate security reasons. Having done that I seem to have no ability to use ScreenLock Widgets.

I do have "Settings/Security& Screen Lock/Enable Widgets" checked.

Having done this, I seem to have no access to to any setting or screens for ScreenLock Widgets.

Am I missian angthing? Does the use of Pin for locking the phone simply make ScreenLock Widgets unavailable?

I need to usea a 6-digit PIn on my phone for corporate security reasons. Having done that I seem to have no ability to use ScreenLock Widgets.[...]

Am I missian angthing? Does the use of Pin for locking the phone simply make ScreenLock Widgets unavailable?

No, sorry to say that you're not missing anything. The corporate security requirement is also preventing exposure of data through widgets on the lock screen. In one sense I can understand this, but I do wish there was a way to allow some functionality for a widget that had nothing to do with corporate data - say, a news or weather widget. If this is your personal device that you are using for work purposes, especially so.
My solution for this was to use a secure email app (Touchdown, in my case) for my corporate email. I honestly don't know exactly how it works, but it acts almost as if it is creating a virtual phone on top of the phone OS. Access to the application itself is locked, and whatever corporate security requirements your company attempts to foist on your phone apply only to the application (and likewise, if your company sends the remote wipe command, it only wipes the application instead of the whole phone).

If I set up my corporate email as another account on my phone, it would force me into using a password lock and give them administrative authority, neither of which I was happy about. But by setting the account up through Touchdown instead, I only have to enter my password when I actually check my work email account, and I can use any security mechanism I choose (or none at all!) on the phone itself.
Perhaps we're diverging from the OP's question. But I second the endorsement for Touchdown. I used it in a corporate environment when I didn't want the corporate administrative privileges to allow the company to wipe my phone when I resigned, which I was planning to do. Touchdown isolated the administrative right to the corporate apps (email and calendar) only, and made me satisfied that the rest of my private phone was safe.

I will say that touchdown's mail implementation is a bit clunky. Still, for the safety of my data, it was well worth it.

I honestly don't recall what it did to my lockscreen. There's trial version of Touchdown so you can play with it and see if it helps.
Perhaps we're diverging from the OP's question...

I suppose I didn't explicitly state it, but part of my point was that since Touchdown doesn't force the phone to abide by the corporate security policy, nothing is done to the lockscreen, so any and all lock screen widgets (except any that would attempt to show data secured by Touchdown) still work. I've been using Dashclock and its various extensions on my Maxx since it was released.
Widgets don't play nicely with a phone that has a lock screen other than slide, but by using Touchdown (or a similar program) to secure just the portions of the phone that need it, the OP could use a slidelock on the lock screen and continue to use widgets.
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