Honestly, the best way I learn is by screwing up. Making mistakes and getting myself out of them has singlehandedly taught me more, in computers, and in life, than all my school put together. Sometimes I get so worked up about trying to make something perfect, or making the perfect decision, that I don't even try at all.
How does that fit in here? Throw caution to the wind. I can't speak much to networking; I can set up a home network and know the basics of IP, but that's about it. For development, pick a language, any language. You interested in startup-type web applications? Learn Ruby (and then learn Javascript). You interested in enterprise applications? Learn C# or Java. You interested in embedded components? Go buy an Arduino and work on that. Mobile apps? I hope you have a Mac so you can learn the iOS platform, otherwise, learn Java and then learn Android. If you're a book person (I am), get on Amazon, search for the language you want to learn, and read the reviews on the books. Then buy them and work through them. Don't forget to be bold. Sometimes I find that one (that's 1, uno, ein) glass of wine or one (1, une, odeen, quis) beer helps in that department.
Find out what's hot in your area. With some employers, sometimes a certification can make up for a lack of professional experience in a language. Other employers don't care at all about certifications. Have some hobby programming projects. Contribute to an open source project (I've read that some employers really like that stuff). When you get stuck, ask Google. When you get really stuck, ask on forums. Keep on fighting.