Android Expert
I know there are other forums out there for this kind of question/info but I don't belong to them, I belong here ;-)
Is there anyone here who has either studied for, attempted, or who currently has the Cisco CCNA Cert? Basically, I'm looking for peoples experiences both unsuccessful and successful.
I ask because in the 12 month course I'm attending there is a 6 week period (9 weeks for me due to being ahead of schedule) for studying the CCNA track. I've been reading the ICND1 book by Wendell Odom, viewing some online sims, watching CBT Nugget videos and have Cisco Packet Tracer to simulate the router and switch interface (excellent tool btw). I'm 2 weeks into it and there is a ton to learn. The 2nd half will also include the ICDN2 book. My plan is to go hard for the next 7 weeks that are left and challenge the official exam at a local testing center. I'd like to do the exam as everything will still be fresh otherwise, I'll have to review again at the end of my program in January 2012. I'd like to have the CCNA cert before I grad so it's on my resume along with the school's 'diploma'.
I still have different courses to go through after the Cisco portion, specifically CompTIA's Security+ and MS 2008R2 Adv. Server which will take me into the late Fall to complete.
Cisco is my main focus and the environment I intend on working in. Eventually, in the next year or two I will go for the next level; CCNP and then CCNP Security. Long term is CCIE, I estimate, and I could be way off, 4-5 years away to get experienced enough to challenge the CCIE.
That's my life at the moment, well, family too and they have been great about giving me the time to focus on this.
Is there anyone here who has either studied for, attempted, or who currently has the Cisco CCNA Cert? Basically, I'm looking for peoples experiences both unsuccessful and successful.
I ask because in the 12 month course I'm attending there is a 6 week period (9 weeks for me due to being ahead of schedule) for studying the CCNA track. I've been reading the ICND1 book by Wendell Odom, viewing some online sims, watching CBT Nugget videos and have Cisco Packet Tracer to simulate the router and switch interface (excellent tool btw). I'm 2 weeks into it and there is a ton to learn. The 2nd half will also include the ICDN2 book. My plan is to go hard for the next 7 weeks that are left and challenge the official exam at a local testing center. I'd like to do the exam as everything will still be fresh otherwise, I'll have to review again at the end of my program in January 2012. I'd like to have the CCNA cert before I grad so it's on my resume along with the school's 'diploma'.
I still have different courses to go through after the Cisco portion, specifically CompTIA's Security+ and MS 2008R2 Adv. Server which will take me into the late Fall to complete.
Cisco is my main focus and the environment I intend on working in. Eventually, in the next year or two I will go for the next level; CCNP and then CCNP Security. Long term is CCIE, I estimate, and I could be way off, 4-5 years away to get experienced enough to challenge the CCIE.
That's my life at the moment, well, family too and they have been great about giving me the time to focus on this.