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Charge before first use?


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2010
I just got my new phone (a G2), and I'm super excited. My dad, an electrical engineer, recommended that I plug it in and let it charge fully before first turning the phone on. He also says I should let it drain completely after the first charge, to calibrate the phone's power system.

What do you guys do when you first get a phone? Do you let the battery calibrate? Or does the awesome new phone seduce you into turning it on before it's ready?

Here I sit, watching the little orange light... please turn green, little orange light...
You're not supposed to condition your lithium battery. This is a myth. I don't know why people keep insisting on doing it even though it will just kill your battery faster.

How to Make Your Cell Phone Battery Last Longer - wikiHow

#DO NOT fully discharge a lithium-ion battery! Unlike Ni-Cd batteries, lithium-ion batteries' life is shortened every time you fully discharge them. Instead, charge them when the battery meter shows one bar left. Lithium-ion batteries, like most rechargeable batteries, have a set number of charges in them.
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