I have a question I can't find a answer for. First thing I don't know much about this type of stuff. I just bought a used Toshiba Excite AT305-T16 but it does not come with a charger, I thought no big just buy one but they are real expensive or use the mini sub one but I read that don't work on them. I was wondering if there are any other tablet chargers that would work with it I have a samsung galaxy 2 tablet 10inch charger and a ipad one. Or somewhere to get a cheap generic one.
Last thing if I buy just the Toshiba at305-a16 power cord will I be able to use the adapter/wall wart that plugs in the wall from the Samsung galaxy 2_ 10in or the iPad one will they charge it the same or do I need the one from Toshiba.
Again I don't know much about computers/tablets so if anyone could help I would appreciate it. Thanks in advance
Last thing if I buy just the Toshiba at305-a16 power cord will I be able to use the adapter/wall wart that plugs in the wall from the Samsung galaxy 2_ 10in or the iPad one will they charge it the same or do I need the one from Toshiba.
Again I don't know much about computers/tablets so if anyone could help I would appreciate it. Thanks in advance