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Charges to 100% and then decreases again?


Android Enthusiast
Nov 4, 2009
Sorry if the title is confusing but here is my story,

i put the phone on the charger right before I went to bed (11 PM), and by 12:30 AM when I went to settings and checked the status it said it was 100%, I decided to leave it on the charger anyway cause I have been getting really bad battery life and this morning when I woke up at 7 AM the phone was down to 70% but charging and hit 100% by 8 AM.

What I don't understand is why did the battery charge to 100% and then use the battery when it was still connected to the charger? Shouldn't it just stay at 100%?

In addition, when I took the phone off the charger at 8 AM and it was 100%, the phone died by 2 PM, and I only sent about 20 text messages.
Actually it should remain charged. It should keep the battery mostly out of circuit and power the phone off of the wall once the battery is charged. It may have just been finally recalibrating its fuel gauge and learning about the battery that you have (each battery has a fuel gauge built into it). See if after doing that a couple times that your battery life goes up.
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Thank you for the response, that's what I thought. I have been tempted to go back to Verizon because my battery life absolutely stinks but I think I'm going to keep letting it die and charging it over and over and hopefully it'll work out better. But yeah it is ridiculous to go to sleep when it is 100% and wake up when it is 60% without taking it off the charger.

Anyway thanks again and hopefully it'll fix itself. Also is it normal to fully charge in about 1 hour and 15 minutes.
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Are you sure you didn't plug the charger into the socket that you switch off with the light in the room?
No disrespect - but that was exactly what I did - thanks to the too short cable I picked an outlet that I normally never use - and that was connected to the lightswitch - so lights out -> no charging...
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Geobernd - Yeah I am sure that it's not plugged into an outlet that turns off, first off I live in a dorm so no outlets do that, and 2nd it's the second night that it's happened. Also when I woke up and rolled over it was still charging. Thanks for the suggestion though and no disrespect taken.

Jmhatz- Yeah I definitely know there is something wrong with it not lasting that long. I'm hoping it's nothing serious and a few charges will bring it back up but I was going to go to Verizon yesterday and today but thought about giving it a few more charges. If it dies tonight before midnight (it finished charging at 4 PM) I'm definitely going tomorrow. It's been about 5 full charges. Also I haven't even been doing a lot of texting or browsing either so it REALLY should last longer than that.

But thanks for the suggestions guys.
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