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Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2010
Wife and I take several trips a year to Chicago to visit family there. Trip is about 10 hrs. We want to be able to watch a movie or two during the trip.

So I was wondering if I could use a car charger that I have for my phone to keep the GN10.1 charged? I realize that I may not be able to keep it charged while play a movie but when not doing that i will be turned off and should be able to take a charge.

What are you experiences or thoughts about using a car charger to charge the GN10.1?

By the way, I will also be keeping my phone and GPS plugged in using car charger type devices.
I have a 4-way adapter for the car outlet. and one of the outputs has a 2X USB charger in it. If it can be charged by USB, it can be charged in the car with one of those chargers. (Or by any charger that supplies 5 volts at enough current and has a USB connector.)

Whether the 10.1 can draw enough charging current (that's set in the tablet design) to play movies and at least keep the battery from discharging is another question. The worst that can happen is that part way through the movie, the tablet complains that you should charge it - which would mean turning it off.
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