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Check for updates


Well-Known Member
Can somebody tell me why does it give me this error message when I check for updates.
Service unavailable.
To check for system updates, go to settings About device when service is available?
I have service, but get this everytime I check for updates.
Thank you in advance
I am still getting this error message, is anybody else getting this as well?

Have you tried checking when you are connected to wifi? Mine has a reminder to try using wifi instead of data. Might give it a shot.
ive seen alot about the updates and such for the S3 the servers tend to get Overloaded due to the popularity and it being a new phone it does have glitches.
There are other threads on this

I have been having the same problem....ever since I owned my phone in July. I'm on AT&T.

I feel that it is some sort of a setting somewhere in their system that it is not handshaking with their "server" when my phone tries to come in
Can somebody tell me why does it give me this error message when I check for updates.
Service unavailable.
To check for system updates, go to settings About device when service is available?
I have service, but get this everytime I check for updates.
Thank you in advance

This issue has been identified in these forums already as well as in the Verizon forums by tons of folks. The fix for 99.9% of those was to get the SIM card replaced. Once they got the new SIM. they no longer got "Service Unavailable"

If you know there is an update waiting for your phone, some folks did a factory reset and then the update downloaded/updated the device. The problem seemed to go away for them after the update.

For folks that are up to date, the new SIM fixed it for them.

I have only seen these fix's work for folks that are on Verizon. Not sure about the othe vendors.

I will be getting mine and my wifes replaced soon.
Thanks for all the information.
I am on Verizon also. If I got to the Verizon store will they just switch the Sims. Or are they going to give me a hard time saying that's not it.
It is the SIM card. I just got a new one today and once I activated it I then did a factory reset and the update automatically came. I was searching for the answer to this for the longest time. Once you get the new SIM card and activate it just run a factory reset and it will be gtg......
It is the SIM card. I just got a new one today and once I activated it I then did a factory reset and the update automatically came. I was searching for the answer to this for the longest time. Once you get the new SIM card and activate it just run a factory reset and it will be gtg......

why does a new SIM card fix the issue? Just wondering. Obviously my current SIM card "works" on the AT&T network so why does changing the SIM card then allow me to get the update?
The SIM card is literally your connectivity gateway to services. A faulty, poorly provisioned or legacy SIM can cause all manor of connectivity issues. I had a SIM that wouldn't allow connectivity beyond 56Kbs.
I am on Verizon and have this problem, since the OTA update. A new SIM and a dastardly factory reset to fix it? I think Verizon need tovcome up with a better solution.
I am on Verizon and have this problem, since the OTA update. A new SIM and a dastardly factory reset to fix it? I think Verizon need tovcome up with a better solution.

I did a factory reset and got a new sim and my signal and connectivity issues are gone! I highly recommend doing these two steps. BTW i am on Verizon.
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