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Clear photos of the G1



I just saw this... right before I'm headed out for the day I read that article and it made my day. Seriously, WOW.

TBH I think the Dream... well its not ugly... but not the sexiest phone I've ever seen. I don't really care though because its really about the applications!

Thanks for posting this!
True, it's not exactly winning any beauty pageants. But I'm sure the black one looks much better and I'm more interested in the functionality anyway. :p
For me is a lot ugly... but if it will have the GPS module (not only A-GPS) inside I will seriously evaluate to buy it!
For me also it's ugly, is not beautiful. And form is acting like plastics. I think I will wait another Android device.
Well, not the sexiest thing ever seen. The keyboard actually looks ugly. Hope guys won't try to follow Apple and bind it to a single carrier in the US not selling in Europe for substantial amount of time.
Don't know why but the black version looks so much better...
Is it because the black version is completely black, and this one is white and a grey keyboard?

But I prefer a black phone.
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