I have a moto droid 2.2 verizon. My company upgraded their exchange servers to 2010 last week, in doing so my corp email will no longer work. My IT dept are instructed to say we wont support the droid or droid 2 and that I can go get and htc incredible or droid X and will work just fine. My co worker has an incredible and still has the same domain, userid, and server name info I did. My other co worker has a moto droid 2.2 also said he received a security update, looked like from verizon not work, and his email now syncs also with the same server info as before. I did the exchange sync test and passed, so I downloaded the trial app of touchdown,works, but very clunky and would like to get my corp account working again. Is there a security update I need? If so How do I get it? Any help would be appreciated.