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Confessions of a Razr owner

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But the question i have is it good enough to use map or read an email message ? I don't really care about over all colour quality (video viewing and such) outdoors though others might care.

Yes it is good enough to view maps and such outside. The misconception is that SAMOLED is brighter for outside viewing, its not brighter but less reflective. SAMOLED plus is even less reflective making is superior than all but the Moto's with RGBW PenTile outside
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Yes it is good enough to view maps and such outside. The misconception is that SAMOLED is brighter for outside viewing, its not brighter but less reflective. SAMOLED plus is even less reflective making is superior than all but the Moto's with RGBW PenTile outside

This is correct perspective IMO. You can read texts and information (like a quick web search or map), but more difficult on the Rezound. The Droid 3 spoiled me for outside viewing, since better in that regard.
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Good to heat you're having a positive experience so far. Have you dug into smart actions yet?

Will you need to go into witness protection from the Gnex thread? ;)

I find it very interesting the Rezound gets that much hotter. One of the pre launch discussions we had, in addition to processor type, was battery heat. It looks like the Moto boys may have gotten that one right. And damn good they did, because if the Razr was a battery cooker, they'd have beaucoup issues.

Some of the fanboys there are funny (in a Greek tragedy sort of way). They tout ICS, but most dual core devices will be getting it anyway. Buying a device mainly for that now, seems silly as a result. I just watched some South Park and Dailymotion Flash vids on the Razr. Worked great and the device did NOT get hot- barely warm. Nice- and more the reason to say NO to the Nexus and its non-Flash supporting OS version.

I have not messed with smart settings, since see no reason to do so (battery doing good so far)- yet. Will also not update to ICS when releases for the D3 or Razr (if I keep it) unless Flash is supported.
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All three Android phones (Razr, Rezound, Gnex) are great and each offer slightly different specs to appeal to their targeted group, so I can never understand the Android fanboyism some have by trying to bring anyone down who finds that the Gnex, Razr or Rezound is actually a better phone for their personal needs, regardless of what the masses think. That what makes Android so great - Choices to appeal to a larger fan base.

I love my Razr and although I will look at the Gnex demo whenever it hits the US, I'm about 95% sure that I'm keeping it for the duration.


The collective frenzy/orgy over there on the Gnex thread totally turned me off. I'll go take a look when it comes out but I'm loving the Razr so far. When it does come out, we should start a comparison thread, I'd love to see others' impressions of the two side by side.
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Some of the fanboys there are funny (in a Greek tragedy sort of way). They tout ICS, but most dual core devices will be getting it anyway. Buying a device mainly for that now, seems silly as a result. I just watched some South Park and Dailymotion Flash vids on the Razr. Worked great and the device did NOT get hot- barely warm. Nice- and more the reason to say NO to the Nexus and its non-Flash supporting OS version.

I have not messed with smart settings, since see no reason to do so (battery doing good so far)- yet. Will also not update to ICS when releases for the D3 or Razr (if I keep it) unless Flash is supported.

In all seriousness they are obsessive to the point of it being unhealthy. I'm not kidding. I'm shocked at what is going on in there. I've never seen anything like it. I understand being excited about a phone but this is just downright unhealthy. It's really not funny.

They attack anything that is perceived as criticism. Heck just here in the RAZR forums we had to be reminded to walk on eggshells as to not upset them talking about no Flash. If we mentioned no flash on the Nexus they might misconstrue it as bagging on their device. True story.

Anyway, I tried to tell them to go out and live life and not be so caught up in the drama because it's not worth it. It was met with I was "gloating" and "rubbing it in" and possibly even being "inflammatory" towards them.

I liked talking to some of them but it's not worth it anymore. Pretty sad.......
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I should add that not all of them are that bad, but how they bash the RAZR and Rezound is just downright ugly. I am happy that doesn't go on in here and we can all give the Rezound and other Android phones credit where credit is due. Lets not let that change.

This is so true. This is a great time to be a Verizon customer, and the selection is amazing with these three. The important thing here on the forums is to keep the conversation light and civil. People on the Razr forum have no place while the Gnex and Rezound crowds work out which one is second and which one is third.

I kid, I kid.

But I don't.
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BTW: Though most of the folks hanging in the Gnex forum seem mainly level-headed, there are some fanboys in there that get more bitter and defensive, the more information leaks out to fuel denial:

1. Delayed - due to VZW adding bloat
2. Probably the 16gb version
3. No Flash
4. Battery life concerns persist.

Add to this the newly revealed fluctuating volume issues on the Gnex. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I am no fan of Samsung hardware. I've never had any luck with them and my last Sammy, a Charge, was utterly dismal.

Over there they don't seem to be concerned about Samsung's poor hardware history (reception, GPS etc.) and they never discuss it. I'm not sure what good ICS is if you've got lousy hardware running it. Now it's possible the Gnex is a better piece of hardware than Samsung has been putting out recently, but I'm not yet convinced. This latest volume issue adds more doubt.
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Add to this the newly revealed fluctuating volume issues on the Gnex. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I am no fan of Samsung hardware. I've never had any luck with them and my last Sammy, a Charge, was utterly dismal.

Over there they don't seem to be concerned about Samsung's poor hardware history (reception, GPS etc.) and they never discuss it. I'm not sure what good ICS is if you've got lousy hardware running it. Now it's possible the Gnex is a better piece of hardware than Samsung has been putting out recently, but I'm not yet convinced. This latest volume issue adds more doubt.

I hear you on the hardware, which is one of the top reasons I went with Moto as my default unless proven wrong. This is my fourth Moto handset, and while they may not have the best software at all times (try getting pictures off the original Razr without using VZW's communist data plan), they were all rock solid handsets. I've been on these forums and others long enough to know who makes the best hardware and who is, to be delicate, struggling with consistent quality.

Back to the flash issue, 2 points: apple had done pretty well with limited flash support (iPad 1). Second, is there any chance flash will be available in the market if the evil apple plan goes through?
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I should add that not all of them are that bad, but how they bash the RAZR and Rezound is just downright ugly. I am happy that doesn't go on in here and we can all give the Rezound and other Android phones credit where credit is due. Lets not let that change.

LOLLLLL. Oh this is beautifully ironic since you just got done bashing a whole group of people using a sweeping generalization of all nexus fans based on a few obsessive posters.

Seriously guys, the RAZR is an awesome phone. We all know that. We don't need to act butthurt just because the gnex has been getting better reviews and more excitement. Different strokes for different folks.
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LOLLLLL. Oh this is beautifully ironic since you just got done bashing a whole group of people using a sweeping generalization of all nexus fans based on a few obsessive posters.

A FEW obsessive posters ? lol. Check around the internet and see the rabid fanboi's in action. Start on Droid Life and work your way around the different sites.

You don't even have to look very hard . Just go read a review about the Rezound or RAZR and they show up all over the place. Forums, tech blogs.

Over a silly phone I might add. What has this world come too :)
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A FEW obsessive posters ? lol. Check around the internet and see the rabid fanboi's in action. Start on Droid Life and work your way around the different sites.

You don't even have to look very hard . Just go read a review about the Rezound or RAZR and they show up all over the place. Forums, tech blogs.

Over a silly phone I might add. What has this world come too :)

I think to say this has become an "unhealthy obsession" for the people in the nexus thread is a big generalization. Obviously there is a lot of excitement surrounding the phone, and why not? Brand new version of Android, really positive early reviews, updates from Google, and top-of-the-line hardware. I'm not surprised it has attracted quite a following.

I think what's more likely is there's a little bit of jealousy amongst you (and I, and other RAZR owners) that the phone we own and love is getting such minimal press compared to the Nexus. I've been bothered by it at times too.
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