It's the end of February, and my contract is up at the end of July. Could I possibly sweet talk customer service (or threaten them with cancellation) into letting me get a new smartphone (Atrix) at the full discounted price? Since AT&T jacked up their early upgrade fee to $200, upgrading is useless.
I'm just annoyed that my dad has a Captivate, my mom has an iPhone, and I, the only tech geek of the family, must teach them both how to use their phones. And I'm stuck with a laggy messaging phone. Grr...
Enough of my sob story. Does AT&T get lenient if you start complaining? I'm on my mom's family plan, if that means anything. Somehow her contract is up at the beginning of May.
I'm just annoyed that my dad has a Captivate, my mom has an iPhone, and I, the only tech geek of the family, must teach them both how to use their phones. And I'm stuck with a laggy messaging phone. Grr...
Enough of my sob story. Does AT&T get lenient if you start complaining? I'm on my mom's family plan, if that means anything. Somehow her contract is up at the beginning of May.